Python was first Introduced by Guido van Rossum in the year 1991. And Then after Use case of python kept on growing exponentially.
According to Stack Over Flow After Java script Python is Most popular and Widely Used Programming Language . Reason Being is Simple , it's Easy to Learn and it's simple Syntax.
Python is Widely Used For Data Science , Followed By Machine Learning, Web Development, Artifical Intellegience .
If You are Someone who to Dive into Above Mentioned Field , Python is idle Language To go for. Also if you are beginner in coding or starting coding journey. I would Suggest you without giving a single thought go for python.
Platforms Where You can learn Python . are W3 school -->
Python Institute --->
Free Code Camp ==>
Platform to practice python ...
Python Practice ---> practice python -->
(Stay Tuned for Next Exciting Python blog)